#Repost @giovperales ・・・ I was invited to expose one of my artworks and with others artist of my city, it was a honor to participated with such talented persons, it was a great experience that I will love to do again. I really miss those things, now that Im back, Im bringing all of me :3. The expo name is “vive, siente y Expresa a traves del arte” (live, feel and express through art) so I used this coordinated for the event, it was a B-day gift from my dear friend @arekusu89 ans his from #mylolitadresses from the Indie Brand #HoneyHoney It so perfect, I love it <3 #DailyLolita #Lolitasnaps #catportraits #lolita #DL #gothiclolita #Indielolitabrands #ArtExhibitions #FundaciónInternacionalECporunaniñezconfuturoA.C and #sindicatoSintoled
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